Monday, September 15, 2014

5 consumers

Badgers are a consumer in England.
they're easily recognized because it has a black and white striped head and usually small black or white ears. it has four stalky-looking legs and it tunnels into the earth. they have very poor vision and usually prey upon small insects, or plants.

The red deer is considered a consumer in England.
they are native to the forests, and commonly recognized because of the 'reddish' tint that they have to their pelt. they prey upon plants- such as dandelions, grasses, or mosses.

The red fox is considered a consumer in England.
known for their red pelts, and they are native to glades and forest areas. they prey upon birds and small insects, moles, and smaller consumers.

Otters are considered a consumer in England.
otters are known for hunting at night, and because of that they are rarely seen. they prey upon eels and a lot of fish.

Pine martens are considered a consumer in England.
Pine martens are native to forests and glades, and prey upon voles, small insects, and mice.

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